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Welcome to Progress in Mind’s live coverage of ECNP 2021. This 34th Congress of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology – Lisbon 2021 continued today, October 4th, with the ‘Campfire’ and ‘Brainstorming’ sessions including discussions ranging from ImmunoPsychiatry to science communication, and today’s symposia focusing on the latest findings in the neurobiology and therapeutics of depression, how patient ‘life engagement’ is a key goal and how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting healthcare. Here is a summary of today’s (Day 3) highlights from this fascinating, illuminating Monday in Lisbon.
Patient focused goals are key
‘Industry Science Exchanges’ focused on depression and schizophrenia:
Patient ‘life engagement’ is a key treatment goal
Social media and novel therapies
The ‘Campfire Sessions’ continued, with discussion of:
Other interesting presentations included how animal-assisted therapy is becoming a popular and effective treatment for psychiatric and neurological disorders and potential mechanisms behind this; discussion on changing careers from academia to industry; and exploration of gene therapy for rare neurodevelopment disorders and how, once developed, it can best be delivered.
From gene therapy to animal-assisted therapy, new developments are becoming popular and effective for potential treatments
‘Educational Update’ Sessions highlighted price to address withdrawal of antidepressants with regard to controlling symptoms1 and the latest evidence regarding neurobiology of cognitive impairments and how understanding this may aid treatment, with ‘Innovative Format’ sessions including a panel discussion on how publication and outcome reporting bias in psychiatry might hinder drug development, if overestimation of treatment effects occur and, with mindfullness-based interventions for psychiatric disorders on the rise, questions remain regarding efficacy and mechanisms.
Neurobiology may inform therapy choice
Symposia including presentations regarding:
The COVID-19 pandemic has restricted access to healthcare
The Brainstorming sessions included:
Brain inflammation is fast becoming a focus of research and treatment
Dr Valery Grinevic’s Plenary Lecture discussed new studies regarding the peptide oxytocin.
Our correspondent’s highlights from the symposium are meant as a fair representation of the scientific content presented. The views and opinions expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect those of Lundbeck.
1. Horowitz, M. A.; Taylor, D. Tapering of SSRI treatment to mitigate withdrawal symptoms. Lancet Psychiatry 2019, 6, 538-546.
2. Hasler, G. Toward specific ways to combine ketamine and psychotherapy in treating depression. CNS Spectrums 2020, 25, 445-447.
3. Davidson, M.; Gabos-Grecu, C. Do DSM classifications help or hinder drug development? . Dialogues Clin Neurosci 2020, 22, 73-79.
4. Jeppesen, R.; Christensen, R. H. B.; Pedersen, E. M. J.; Nordentoft, M.; Hjorthøj, C.; Köhler-Forsberg, O.; Benros, M. E. Efficacy and safety of anti-inflammatory agents in treatment of psychotic disorders – A comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 2020, 90, 364-380.