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Among clinicians’ responsibilities is a duty to safeguard themselves. Those looking after others with mental and physical health problems are far from invulnerable to distress, especially when faced with unprecedented numbers of patients, insufficient resources, and a high mortality rate among the old and less fit. Practical suggestions on prevention and coping can be found in this article.
On April 1st 2020, Medscape listed the names of more than a hundred healthcare workers who had died of COVID-19.1 Many thousands worldwide have been infected.
The need to survive this crisis is paramount. But there are less obvious risks to the health of those who are looking after unparalleled numbers of critically ill patients.
Emotional exhaustion and feelings of failure contribute to the condition commonly referred to as “burnout”.2 Among the mental health consequences of burnout are depression, alcohol abuse and suicidal ideation.3 Burnout is unfortunately common among clinicians in normal times.2,3 And these are not normal times.
Emotional exhaustion and feelings of failure are unfortunately common among clinicians in normal times. And these are not normal times
Challenges never seen before
Two specific examples reflect stresses of a kind not previously encountered.
A recent study noted how full societal lockdown leads to signs of exhaustion among nursing home staff within a month.4 Secondly, those working in intensive care face what has been termed “the toughest triage” doctors are ever likely to encounter when they have to ration ventilators among equally sick people.5 When such decisions violate a physician’s moral or ethical code, the “moral injury” can be profound.6
Suggestions as to how the mental health consequences can be mitigated include preparing staff honestly for difficult decisions they will have to make, providing forums in which the emotional challenges of doing so can safely be discussed, and supportive supervision.6
Practical suggestions on prevention and coping
In terms of managing the mental wellbeing of healthcare providers more generally, How Healthcare Personnel Can Help Take Care of Themselves is among a set of resources brought together by the American Psychiatric Association in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.7
“Physician heal yourself” is an age-old exhortation. To that we could now add “Physician, keep yourself healthy”
Among the recommendations are:
Those working with people who are infected are urged to have frank discussions with their family about the risk to themselves and their loved ones; steps being taken to minimize that risk; and the possibility of quarantine.
This advice is based in part on the publications Taking Care of Patients During the Coronavirus Outbreak: A Guide for Psychiatrists; and Psychological Effects of Quarantine During the Coronavirus Outbreak. Both are from the Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress, Uniformed Services University, Bethesda, MD.
Our correspondent’s highlights from the symposium are meant as a fair representation of the scientific content presented. The views and opinions expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect those of Lundbeck.
1. medscape.com/viewarticle/927976
2. Shanafelt TD. JAMA 2009;302:1338-4
3. Dyrbye LN, et al. National Academy of Medicine discussion paper 2017; July 5
4. Wang H, et al. Lancet 2020; March 30
5. Truog RD, et al. N Engl J Med 2020 March 23
6. Greenberg N. BMJ 2020 March 26