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Parkinson’s disease is a heterogeneous disease with many different phenotypes, patterns of progression, outcomes, and associated cognitive decline. The lack of dopamine leading to a diagnosis of PD is the end-result of many different underlying causes, explained experts at MDS Virtual Congress 2020.
The many different genetic causes of PD
Professor Clemens Scherzer, Boston, MA, highlighted 21 Mendelian genes already identified as causing Parkinson’s disease (PD), and their different themes and phenotypes:1
At least 21 genes cause PD
LRRK2 mutations are associated with a slower UPDRS decline
LRRK2 mutations are associated with a slower decline in motor Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) scores.2
GBA mutations are detected in 10.3% of patients with PD and linked to accelerated cognitive decline.3
Furthermore, genome-wide association studies have identified 90 independent PD risk signals suggesting that many other PD-associated genes remain to be identified.4
PD is a heterogeneous disease clinically, neuropathologically and prognostically
The many different nongenetic factors associated with PD heterogeneity
The etiological heterogeneity for PD is reflected in its clinical, neuropathologic, and prognostic heterogeneity,5 said Professor Connie Marras, Toronto, Canada.
Nongenetic factors influencing clinical manifestations and prognosis include:
Lifestyle factors influence PD progression and mortality
Large longitudinal cohort studies will help physicians answer their patients’ questions
Professor Rodolfo Savica, Rochester, MN, highlighted the multifactorial longitudinal changes for patients with PD and the lack of markers for monitoring effectiveness of treatment.
Physicians are therefore unable to answer their patients’ basic questions such as “What is going to happen next?” and What will be the next symptom?” he said.
Large longitudinal cohort studies from countries worldwide are therefore needed to provide answers to these questions and enable more effective management and therapies.10
Our correspondent’s highlights from the symposium are meant as a fair representation of the scientific content presented. The views and opinions expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect those of Lundbeck.