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Making a diagnosis of bipolar disorder (BD) can be challenging — comorbid psychiatric disorders are common and many symptoms overlap with those of the differential diagnoses, such as borderline personality disorder (BPD), major depressive disorder (MDD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and schizophrenia, explained Joseph Goldberg of Icahn School the Medicine, Mount Sinai New York, at Psych Congress 2019. It is important to distinguish the comorbidities from the differential diagnoses.
Before you treat a patient with bipolar-I disorder (BD-I), you need to know what you are treating, including all patient and history factors — a phenomenological description precedes treatment, said Professor Goldberg.
Distinguish comorbidities from differential diagnoses
Most patients with bipolar disorder have at least one comorbid psychiatric disorder
A careful clinical interview, longitudinal history and collateral historians are essential to make an accurate diagnosis of BD-I and enable the correct treatment, he explained. The challenges include:
Comorbidity is associated with an earlier age of BD-I onset and a worsening course of BD-I.2
Is the diagnosis BD-I or BD-I with comorbid BPD and/or PTSD?
Approximately 20% of people with BD-I have comorbid BPD3 and from 4% to 40% have comorbid PTSD,4 resulting in a complex diagnostic territory, said Professor Goldberg.
Bipolar disorder with comorbid PTSD is often associated with substance use disorder
Strategies to help determine whether or not the disorders are comorbid include:
BD-I with comorbid PTSD is more common in women than in men and in BD-I than in BD-II, noted Professor Goldberg. Key features include shorter durations of euthymia, an increased risk for mood episode relapse, a higher depressive symptom burden, a poorer quality of life and a higher prevalence of comorbid substance use disorder.3
Different patterns of affective instability occur in BD-II and BPD, with more depression and euphoria in BD-II and more anger in BPD.5
Is the diagnosis BD-II depression or MDD with comorbid BPD?
A variety of clinical features help in differentiating BD-II depression from MDD with comorbid BPD.
MDD comorbid with BPD is more often associated with PTSD than BD-II depression
A study of 206 patients with MDD with comorbid BPD and 62 patients with BD-II depression without BPD revealed that patients with MDD with comorbid BPD were significantly more often diagnosed with:
Clinical ratings of anger, anxiety, paranoid ideation and somatization were significantly higher in the MDD with comorbid BPD group compared with the BD-II group and the MDD with comorbid BPD group made significantly more suicide attempts (all p<0.01).
Our correspondent’s highlights from the symposium are meant as a fair representation of the scientific content presented. The views and opinions expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect those of Lundbeck.