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In 2020, when should a person diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease start treatment? Which lifestyle and pharmacologic therapies improve quality of life and decrease the rate of disease progression? What are the medical management strategies for advanced disease? These questions were answered by experts at MDS Virtual Congress 2020.
Current management of early-stage Parkinson’s disease
Early treatment could decrease the rate of disease progression1
The evidence for early treatment when PD is first diagnosed is compelling,1 said Professor Oscar Gershanik of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Implementation of a variety of lifestyle and pharmacologic therapies improve quality of life and decrease the rate of disease progression. These include:
Exercise training can improve striatal plasticity and increase dopamine release
Choice of medication for early PD is controversial
Medical management strategies for patients with advancing PD
Three stages of advancing PD requiring different management interventions can be identified, said Regina Katzenschlager of Vienna, Austria.
A lack of effective pharmacological therapy for advanced PD
Dr Katzenschlager concluded that physicians have a responsibility to tailor symptomatic treatment to the needs of each individual patient and to evaluate for continuing efficacy and safety of therapies throughout the entire illness, including palliative needs.
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